Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Good news on student research behavior plus what we can do more of...

From Roy Tennant's Current Cites:

Head, Alison. "[16]Beyond Google: How do Students Conduct Academic Research?" [17]First Monday 12(8)(August 2007)(http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue12_8/head/). - This article, based on research conducted by noted professor and usability specialist Dr. Alison Head, challenges assumptions about student research behavior. Far from turning to Google and confidently flipping out a paper, students rely more on authoritative sources vetted and provided by instructors and librarians, and are more hesitant, diffident, and confused by the research process than is often assumed. The paper concludes by recommending we pay more attention to research instruction and information literacy, but implicit in its suggestions is a ringing endorsement of classic librarian tasks in higher education.

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