Friday, June 29, 2007

Idea for using a wiki with students & faculty

Sue and I were talking yesterday about components of ideas that have been floating around and how they might coalesce into one approach with a wiki.... How about partnering at the course level with a faculty member where one project/assignment the students have is to create a wiki "subject page" with annotated sources for the course as a whole or for a particular portion of the course? Perhaps then it could grow and evolve over the semesters.

It seems like an intriguing way to combine student engagement with information, information literacy, and technology. Any thoughts? Has anyone heard of other libraries doing this?

LibraryThing in the Library Catalog

The Danbury, CT, Public Library has tied its library catalog to LibraryThing, integrating LibraryThing tags and similar books into the bottom of their catalog records. Read more about it at here. Or, try it yourself. The page loads slowly, but it is worth it!



BlogBib (Part 5) helped me find blogs that were of professional interest. Note that the creator, Susan Herzog, has stopped updating the bibliography as of January.

Learning 2.0

To explore one library's take on what is 2.0 and what basic familiarity they want their staff to have, check out Learning 2.0 by the Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County. They created a self-paced continuing education program to develop the knowledge base of library staff on 2.0 topics they knew patrons are talking about.


For the sake of adding the information to a collective space, here is the LibGuides info I emailed to all of you.

If you are interested in learning more I would first encourage you to go to the LibGuides homepage and watch the video at the top of the right hand column.

This is the demo LibGuides homepage:
This is the Temple University LibGuides homepage:
This is the Dalhousie University LibGuides homepage:

The guide that I created to reflect what we learned at ISU is located at:

If you would like to try making a guide in the demo format, let me know and I can create an account for you.

I thought the annual cost was $900, but the most recent quote was $300 for a semester pilot and $700 to complete the year if we liked the pilot.


Content Management System

If anyone is intersted in doing anything with RSS feeds within the Content Management System this can be done. IT is sending the code over for us so just let me know if you are interested.

Lynda, here is the general info that will answer your question, I used Feed Demon for Gloria to notify here of feeds from ILCSO. If you would like to set this up let me know

Special pieces of software called Newsreaders (or Aggregators) can scan these feeds, automatically letting you know when the sites have updated. Examples are FeedDemon (Windows), Bloglines (web-based).


Thursday, June 28, 2007

RSS feed?

oh boy, we may have created a monster - here's my second post in two seconds.

is there a way to be notified when someone posts something new to this, or do we have to keep checking it?
thanks, Lynda

First of all...

This blog is for informal conversation, for sharing what kinds of 2.0/technology/new and exciting things we're working on.

I started my own blog last week - Harmless Addictions
. It's completely unrelated to work, which I like, but it gives me a creative outlet and also some familiarity with blogs.

Looking forward to hearing more about what others are doing/thinking...